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Author: Antonelli, Lucilla , 1886-1975
Alternate Names: Antonelli Calfus, Lucilla; Calfus Antonelli, Lucilla; Calfus, Lucilla in Antonelli
Century: Ottocento-Novecento
Place of Birth: Milan, Italy (Milano)
Place of Death: Milan, Italy (Milano)
Region: Lombardia
Father: Calfus, Luigi
Mother: Oldini, Ada
Marital Status: Married
Number of marriages: 1
Husbands: Antonelli, Luigi (1877/82-1942)
Maternal Status: Mother
Children: Antonelli (Antòn), Edoardo (1910-?)
Education: College
Occupation: Writer: playwright; Writer: journalist; Writer: children's literature; Editor; Translator
Prizes Won: Cavaliere della Repubblica
Author Code: A0449
Editions of Texts Lucilla Antonelli

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